Planning to Retire with COLA Adjustments
“When should I retire to take advantage of the planned big 2023 COLA increase? If I retire in December, will my pension benefits be increased
Choosing between Deferred Retirement and Postponed Retirement
“I plan to retire at age 57 with an MRA + 10 option. I don’t plan on taking my FERS retirement out until later age
Does it make sense to consolidate for your retirement?
“I have been working in the federal system for 3 years and will retire within the next 5 years. I am 62. I have a
Buying Back Military Time Working as a Civilian
“I am so grateful that you put your information out on podcasts and email. This really benefits the federal govt employee and I share your
Using Years Of Service To Calculate Your Pension
“If I started in the NAF system in 1996 and then converted to GS in 2008 we were told it would count towards retirement. From
Checking Beneficiary Designations
“My wife and I updated our wills two years ago, it states that all of our estate is to go to the survivor and if
Divorce and Your Pension
“I am in the process of divorcing (prior to my federal retirement). I am considering agreeing to providing my soon to be ex-spouse partial survivor
Roth Conversions and Taxes
“I’m just about 65 and make about 125K a year working for the federal government. I plan to retire in five years when I’m 70.
Using FERS as a Down Payment
“Can I withdraw my FERS to use as a down payment for purchase of Real Estate?” – Tracey. When Federal Employees use their retirement
Is FERS Supplement subject to SS Earnings Test?
“Planning on retiring at my MRA, is the FERS supplement subject to the social security earnings test? Thank you for your time!” – Craig. Underestimating
Changing the Distribution of your TSP
“I retired as a FERS employee at age 56 with over 32 years of service. Upon retirement, I chose to withdraw $2000 per month from
Will FERS Supplement Be Taken Away Due to Annual Leave Payout?
“I retired from Federal service on Dec 31, 2020. My annual leave balance was paid out to me in a lump sum at the end