Ep #10: FEHB and Medicare in Open Season
We’re on the brink of another open season, so today Micah and Tammy are sharing the information you need to know about this upcoming season.
Federal Employee Retirement Planning
“I am 60. I plan to work till 70. All bills will be paid off including house sept 2021. House value now 431,000. Tsp
Ep #9: Military Buyback
Have you served in the military, but aren’t quite sure how to use that military time for your civil service? A lot of mistakes get
FERS Annuity Supplement Reductions
“… I recently went over the max earnings on my supplement and when I filled the form out in early June it is expected
Ep #8: Q&A
Today Micah and Tammy are opening up the mailbag to answer your most burning questions about federal retirement. A few people wrote in asking about
FERS Annuity Calculations
“My husband wants to retire and he has been at the USPS and was always told he gets 60% of his basepay and the more
Ep #7: The Myth of 80% Retirement
Today Micah and Tammy are setting the record straight and dispelling some myths about what you actually need to retire with. There’s a lot of
ROTH TSP Withdrawal Rules
“If I start contributing to Roth tsp this year. I am 56 that would mean I cannot take any contributions from the Roth’s for 5
Ep #6: Social Security Claiming
We hear a lot of people say they want to turn on their social security as soon as possible in order to capitalize on the
Ep #5: What Does Retirement Really Look Like??
Everyone looks forward to retirement and the freedom that comes along with no longer being locked down to a job, but what if it isn’t
Department of Interior Employees
Answering Retirement Questions If you have questions about your retirement from Federal Service, we can help! Our FERS Federal Fact Check for Federal Employees who
Ep #4: Looking at Insurance in Retirement
Micah and Tammy have shared their thoughts and experiences with credible services, agency estimates, and other incomes, but what about risk management? In this episode,