FERS Eligibility
“I am currently age 32 (a bit away from retirement) and I have been with USPS for 6.5 years now. It says you are fully
Moving from TSP to a Roth
“I’m about 10 years out from retirement. I’m wanting to stop putting money into the traditional tsp and start a Roth. Is that doable?” –
What happens to your Unused Sick Leave in retirement?
“When determining creditable service for determining what my FERS annuity will be, can unused sick leave be used to get creditable service time from 20
FERS Supplement and Earned Income
“Micah, I have a question about the earnings test for FERS Supplement. I’m a title 38 physician, planning to retire with age 60 + 20
Advantages and Disadvantages of filing out beneficiary designation forms with TSP and FEGLI
“Love your podcast! I am a Federal retiree and fine with Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) and Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) standard order of
FERS and Social Security
“I am turning 62 and I am drawing disability FERS. Can I draw social security and FERS together? And will my FERS change when I
ROTH TSP Contributions
“I watched the very helpful video on ROTH IRA conversions. I will be retiring by the end of 2022 and I do not have any
Social Security and Medicare In retirement
“I retired from PHMSA/USDOT January 2021 and I just received my first W2 form from the Department of Interior and It says that I paid
FERS Postponed Retirement
“Greetings, I think I have an understanding of FERS postponed retirement, but there is one point that I have been unable resolve. I am by
FERS Supplement and Earnings Limitations
“August 2023 I will turn 62 and stop receiving the OPM Social security . After August for the remainder of 2023 will I still be
Withdrawing from Your TSP
“Hello, I have 31k in my TSP. Is it possible to withdraw the total amount at one time? ” – Bill. Demystifying TSP Withdrawals TSP
FEHB in Retirement
“Hello , I worked for 11 years as a federal employee until age 57, now I am 62 , can I still get fehb, ie