What Happens If You Make a Mistake On Your TSP Withdrawal Form
“If I erroneously select an annuity from the TSP instead of a withdrawal from it, can I reverse that option? Thanks.” – Orlando. Listen, we
TSP Roth IRA $10,000 Question about Like-Kind Direct Transfer
“I am a retired FERS federal employee (age 65). I just watched your episode about a “like kind direct transfer” of tsp funds to an
Should I buy back 20 years of military time?
“Greetings, I am retired from the Army after 20 years as a Staff Sergeant. I am currently a GS 14 with 11 years under FERS.
Which is Better: December or January Retirement?
“Hello Micah, I am so glad that I happened onto your website. I have read a lot of material and have watched a lot of
Conflicting Information About My Lump Sum Annual Leave
”I have gotten conflicting information about my lump sum annual leave. I plan on retiring on 12/31/21. I know that I will get my lump
Should I withdraw my FERS Contributions?
“How do I know when it’s worth it to withdraw (refund) my FERS contribution when I leave the Fed workforce? if I have less than
FERS Supplement and VERA
“First off, great content on your site! A plethora of information for Federal employees that is extremely invaluable for retirement planning. Regarding the FERS Supplement
What to do with 1,500 hours of FERS Sick Leave at Retirement?
“I have about 1,300 hours of sick leave. What is the best advice on what to do with those hours as retirement nears for me?
How do You pick the right TSP Lifecycle fund?
“Hey! I love the podcast, and I’m hoping you might be able to tell me if my Lifecycle fund-based investment strategy overlooks any important factors.
RMD’s And Planning Ahead
“I love your podcast and YouTube channel. Thanks. My question relates to Required Minimum Distributions. Looking far ahead I will turn 72 in June of
How Do You File FERS Retirement Application Years After You Left Federal Service
“Hello, I am a vested former federal employee with the Naval Shipyard. I left federal employment in 2007 with 7+ years of service and am
Military Survivor Annuity and Social Security, plus TSP Beneficiary Question
“I am a widow of a retired service member and receive military survivor annuity and VA pension based on my husband’s service connected death. I