Deferred Retirement

Disability Retirement

What is a Disability Retirement under FERS? Unlike the Immediate, Deferred, or Postponed Retirements, the Disability Retirement is a unique type of retirement only offered

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Postponed Retirement

What is a Postponed Retirement under FERS? A Postponed Retirement is another alternative option of federal retirement that is similar to the Deferred Retirement option. 

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Disability Retirement

What is a Disability Retirement under FERS? Unlike the Immediate, Deferred, or Postponed Retirements, the Disability Retirement is a unique type of retirement only offered

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Postponed Retirement

What is a Postponed Retirement under FERS? A Postponed Retirement is another alternative option of federal retirement that is similar to the Deferred Retirement option. 

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