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TSP Roth IRA $10,000 Question about Like-Kind Direct Transfer

TSP Roth IRA $10,000 Question about Like-Kind Direct Transfer

“I am a retired FERS federal employee (age 65). I just watched your episode about a “like kind direct transfer” of tsp funds to an IRA, and then the subsequent transfer from the newly opened IRA to a newly opened ROTH IRA. My question: Using your example amount, if I transferred $10,000 from the newly […]

Should I buy back 20 years of military time?

buy back military time

“Greetings, I am retired from the Army after 20 years as a Staff Sergeant.  I am currently a GS 14 with 11 years under FERS. When I retire do I keep my military retirement monthly check and a fed GS retirement separate from the military time? Or should I buy back the time and retire […]

Which is Better: December or January Retirement?

Which is Better: December or January Retirement?

“Hello Micah, I am so glad that I happened onto your website. I have read a lot of material and have watched a lot of podcasts. Because of your solid, genuine advice, I have passed your contact information onto some High School Classmates that will be retiring within 5 years. I’m sure that you all […]

Conflicting Information About My Lump Sum Annual Leave

Lump Sum Annual Leave

”I have gotten conflicting information about my lump sum annual leave. I plan on retiring on 12/31/21. I know that I will get my lump sum A/L payment a few weeks into 2022. Will the IRS count this as income for the tax year 2021 or 2022? Also, will taxes on the lump sum A/L […]

Should I withdraw my FERS Contributions?

withdraw FERS contributions

“How do I know when it’s worth it to withdraw (refund) my FERS contribution when I leave the Fed workforce? if I have less than 10 years but meet the minimum 5 years, I have to wait till age 62 so how do I know inflation will eat away at it since the growth speed […]

FERS Supplement and VERA

retire under a VERA

“First off, great content on your site! A plethora of information for Federal employees that is extremely invaluable for retirement planning. Regarding the FERS Supplement and VERA, does the supplement start at MRA or does it start immediately after retirement (under VERA) even if the age is way under 57? The scenario as follows: If […]

What to do with 1,500 hours of FERS Sick Leave at Retirement?

FERS Sick Leave at Retirement

“I have about 1,300 hours of sick leave. What is the best advice on what to do with those hours as retirement nears for me? Thanks“ – Steve First a little background:  On October 28, 2009, President Obama signed legislation that  allows federal workers who retire under the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) to […]