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Ep #28: Court Orders That Can Half Your Retirement

Divorce is generally not a fun topic, but when you are considering retirement, it is a necessary discussion to have. For many people, the terms and conditions of a divorce can come back to haunt them—even decades later—if they are not completely settled upon in the beginning. So in this episode, Micah and Tammy will […]

Follow Up Friday – TSP and Social Security

Questions to ask yourself to ensure you’re properly balancing your social security and TSP so you get the most benefit. Listen to the Full Episode: Enjoy the show? Use the Links Below to Subscribe:    

Ep #27: TSP and Social Security

TSP and Social Security

Are you wondering what to do about your social security or how to go about taking money from your TSP? If so, this episode is for you! Today, Micah and Tammy chat about how to balance social security and TSP so you get the most benefit. You’ll also learn what things you need to be […]

Ep #26: What’s The Best Distribution Rate From Your TSP?

You’ve worked your whole life, now you’re ready to retire. But do you know how to maximize your benefits and set yourself up for retirement success? In this episode, we’re talking all about the Thrift Savings Plan and how to find that sweet spot to maintain a nice retirement lifestyle and your savings at the […]

Ep #25: Why Life Events Matter

It’s the little details that can really trip you up, so Tammy and Micah share specific areas and situations they’ve noticed clients having trouble with and how you can avoid those issues. As the title hints, life events are a key area where many people do not do enough planning or strategy and in the […]

Ep #24: How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?

With so many misconceptions around life insurance, it can be hard to determine the appropriate plan or amount for your needs. Unfortunately, there are some people in the financial business that believe it is a one size fits all service, however that is not the case. So where do you begin? In this episode, Micah […]

Ep #23: Best Day to Retire

Best Day to Retire

With more retirement planning and with every year that retirement gets closer, the question is often asked, “What day is best to retire?” Tammy and Micah sit down to set the record straight when it comes to choosing a retirement date. They share how people tend to focus on maximizing benefits and where else you […]

Your TSP After Retirement

We have had hundreds of federal employees ask us to discuss the TSP more in-depth so that they can stop “emotionally trading” their accounts. 

That is why we created this guide with the most important considerations you need to make when using your TSP as a retirement savings account.
