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#83: Dual Feds FEHB Rules

Dual Feds FEHB Rules

Listen to the Full Episode: In this episode of Plan Your Federal Retirement Podcast, Micah and Jamie discuss the Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) and how it is an excellent benefit for federal employees, allowing them to keep health insurance into retirement. But most importantly, they dive into the rules for dual Feds, which refers […]

Moving from TSP to a Roth

Moving from TSP to a Roth

“I’m about 10 years out from retirement. I’m wanting to stop putting money into the traditional tsp and start a Roth. Is that doable?” – Robin. Robin, like many federal employees we visit throughout the year, is about 10 years away from wanting to retire under the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS).  Robin is […]

Follow Up Friday – HR – Are they RIGHT or WRONG?

Follow Up Friday - HR - Are they RIGHT or WRONG?

Listen to the Full Episode: Learn what the importance is of understanding the rules and regulations for federal employee retirement, covered by Sierra Steele. Enjoy the show? Use the Links Below to Subscribe:    

#82: HR – Are they RIGHT or WRONG?

HR - Are they RIGHT or WRONG?

Listen to the Full Episode: Are you a federal employee planning for retirement? Do you know that negative outcomes can be prevented if only you know how to find the correct information and understand all the pieces of the Federal Retirement puzzle? But… what if the information you get from HR or OPM is different […]

What happens to your Unused Sick Leave in retirement?

What happens to your Unused Sick Leave in retirement?

“When determining creditable service for determining what my FERS annuity will be, can unused sick leave be used to get creditable service time from 20 years of service? For example, if I work 19.5 years and have 6 months of work unused sick leave, then can I insist that my annuity be 20 years so […]

Follow Up Friday – What To Have In Savings?

Follow Up Friday - What To Have In Savings?

Listen to the Full Episode: How do you know what to have in savings? Learn all about great tips on how to organize your savings and what your goal should be, covered by Sierra Steele. Enjoy the show? Use the Links Below to Subscribe:    

#81: What To Have In Savings?

What To Have In Savings?

Listen to the Full Episode: How many months’ worth of living expenses do you need to have saved up and why? Do you have emergency (911 account) reserves? These questions bother a lot of people. But, the fundamental question for each of us is: What should we have in savings? If you want to know […]

FERS Supplement and Earned Income

FERS Supplement and Earned Income

“Micah, I have a question about the earnings test for FERS Supplement. I’m a title 38 physician, planning to retire with age 60 + 20 years of service and lump sum annual leave payment of 685 hours. I believe the lump sum annual leave payout is considered earned income, so I think my first year’s […]

Follow Up Friday – FERS Supplement Details

Follow Up Friday - FERS Supplement Details

Listen to the Full Episode: Does everybody have the right to a FERS Supplement? Learn all about who will receive it and what you need to do and watch out for, covered by Sierra Steele. Enjoy the show? Use the Links Below to Subscribe:    

#80: FERS Supplement Details

FERS Supplement Details

Listen to the Full Episode: The FERS supplement is a great benefit of your FERS retirement package. This supplement is available to federal employees who retire before age 62 and is a substitute for social security. The amount of the supplement is calculated using the same formula as Social Security, but it is unique to […]

Your TSP After Retirement

We have had hundreds of federal employees ask us to discuss the TSP more in-depth so that they can stop “emotionally trading” their accounts. 

That is why we created this guide with the most important considerations you need to make when using your TSP as a retirement savings account.
