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Which is Better: December or January Retirement?

Which is Better: December or January Retirement?

“Hello Micah, I am so glad that I happened onto your website. I have read a lot of material and have watched a lot of podcasts. Because of your solid, genuine advice, I have passed your contact information onto some High School Classmates that will be retiring within 5 years. I’m sure that you all […]

Ep #34: COLA vs. Pay Increase

Many people are under the wrong impression when it comes to retirement, COLA, and pay increases. Once the numbers are run, things are rarely as rosy as they may have seemed during planning. So today, Micah and Tammy will be addressing this and a few other additional misconceptions people have when planning their retirement. Listen […]

Ep #33: Risks in Retirement

When preparing for retirement, it’s important to plan for flexibility. There are a number of post-retirement risks that can upend the most precisely laid-out retirement plans, and the longer the retirement period grows, the harder it is to be certain you have planned accordingly with your assets. So, in this episode, Micah and Tammy will […]

Ep #32: Retiring In December vs. January

best times to retire

More and more federal employees are thinking about retiring at the end of the year, and while we’ve already gone over the best times to retire, this episode is going to focus on this common aim for retirement and how to get ready for it right now. You’ll learn what you can do to prepare […]