Preparing for Your Appointment
We ask that you complete our firm’s “Personal Financial FactFinder.” This is a laborious form to complete but truly provides the most opportunity for you to gather your financial information in one place to review with the Advisor.
There are two versions of the FactFinder: one for federal employees and one for non-federal employees. Please access the appropriate version using the buttons on this page.
Select the Correct Personal Fact Finder for You:
Additional "Homework"
- A copy of your Standard Form 50 or FERS Benefits Analysis if applicable
- Your Leave and Earnings Statement or PayStub
- Most recent statement from your Employer Sponsored Retirement Plan. This includes 401(k)’s, TSP’s or 403(b) plans.
- Last two years’ taxes
- Any investment statements you may have
- Any wills or trusts you would like reviewed from a planning standpoint
- List of questions pertaining to your financial situation
How to Send Us Your Information
The integrity of your financial information and privacy is imperative to our firm. Therefore we kindly ask that under no circumstance should you email our office un-encrypted, personal information.
Instead, once you have made your appointment with our firm we will provide you with a link to a site called This is an online cloud storage system in which you can share information with our office.
We will send you an invitation link and you establish your own username and passcode. We do not retain this information. We will not ask you for your username or passcode. Information for review needs to be submitted 72 hours prior to your appointment for an Advisor to review prior.