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Military to Civilian Transition

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Hello, I appreciate your videos very much. I am active duty and retiring next year, intending on becoming a GS employee. Can you do one on the military to civilian transition with regards to TSP and other issues, besides buying back time? I have both Roth and Traditional military accounts, and I assume they will be separate from the civilian ones. Will the Rule of 55 apply to my military TSP if I retire at 48 and immediately join the federal service? Finally, I plan on working about years and buying back 4 years of Academy time to earn a 11% pension. My plan is to stop working at 55 and then take the deferred pension at 62 for no penalty. Can I elect the deferred pension before my MRA? I know the big risk of deferred FERS pension is loss of FEHB, but since I have TRICARE and VA, I assume that’s not a problem. Thank you! – Russ

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