How to plan what source to withdraw from
“How to plan which source to withdraw from and when (TSP, Roth, other investments) over the retirement years to supplement pensions and SS. Are tax consequences the primary decision driver?” – Steve. As a Federal employee your retirement is a three legged stool. You have your pension, social security and your TSP to help provide you […]
Keeping FEHB in Retirement
“I have a question related to something in one of your articles about FEHB and Medicare. The article stated: “As a full-time Federal employee, you are eligible to enroll in FEHB. If you meet the requirements to do so, as a retiree, you are eligible to maintain FEHB throughout your lifetime. The requirements to maintain […]
You Ask, We Answer – FERS Retirement Application
“Thank you very much for the great information. Question: Do I need to list my ex-spouse on my FERS retirement application if we were married for less than 10 years (25 years ago)? Thank you!” – Salah.
Ep #53: To Buy or Not To Buy Your Military Time Back
The question of whether to buy back military time is something that affects a lot of people. This episode features Christian Sakamoto, a great advisor from our office who has valuable insight to share on this topic. Today, he and Micah discuss the key areas that you need to be aware of to decide whether […]
ROTH IRA Contribution or Conversion?
“I watched the very helpful video on ROTH IRA conversions. I will be retiring by the end of 2022 and I do not have any funds in the Roth TSP, but all funds have been in the traditional TSP. In hindsight, that was probably not a good idea. I am now wondering if there is […]
Find Out How Much I Will Receive?
“Is there a way, I can find out how much I will receive at retirement and when I can collect? I worked 24 years, but I don’t know my high three. I’m currently 53, and am not sure if I can stop collecting at 60, or 62. Or if I should wait until I fully […]
You Ask, We Answer – Survivor Benefits
“The question is the following: My wife and I are both federal employees. I will retire before her. Upon my death, she will receive a survivor annuity (50% of my unreduced pension). Will she continue receiving that survivor annuity when she retires?” – Bernie.
You Ask, We Answer – Military eligible FERS supplement
“From my understanding, those military retirees who are getting a military retirement aren’t eligible for the FERS Supplement. If I’m incorrect someone please let me know.” – Golfnut.
You Ask, We Answer – 5 Years Gap
“I worked from 2010 to 2013 at VA Hospital. I quit/and then I work back in 2018 until now. My question is are those 3 years that I work before maybe counted from the work I’m doing now? Thank you so much” – Luis.
You Ask, We Answer – Deductions for the Federal Long Term Care
“I can’t find any info on deductions for the Federal Long Term Care insurance and it is not on my retirement estimate from my HR (even though I asked them to include it or tell me how it is handled). How are min and my wife’s Long term care insurance handled?” – A Sandrik.
TSP Beneficiary is a Trust
“If my TSP beneficiary is currently my Trust, then upon my death, will that transfer be made by a one time full payment -20% for taxes?If so would it be better to have my spouse named beneficiary? It is going to the trust now, mainly for the reason that if we both pass, then some […]
What Happens If You Make a Mistake On Your TSP Withdrawal Form
“If I erroneously select an annuity from the TSP instead of a withdrawal from it, can I reverse that option? Thanks.” – Orlando. Listen, we LOVE the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) at Plan Your Federal Retirement. We think that the TSP is one of the best defined contribution plans we have seen. There are so […]