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Ep #46: When Your Retirement Is Off, What Do You Do?

When it’s time for that little blue book to arrive, it’s important not to just file it away. Today, Micah and Tammy share what this little book is and how you can use it to review your retirement benefits. You will learn why it’s so key to ensuring your retirement is on track and also […]

Ep #45: LTC – What You Need To Know And Avoid!

As people get ready to retire, questions about long-term care often start coming up. Although it may not be the most fun subject, it’s a great one to have a solid understanding of and plan for. So, in this episode, Tammy and Micah let you in on the things you most need to know about […]

Your TSP After Retirement

We have had hundreds of federal employees ask us to discuss the TSP more in-depth so that they can stop “emotionally trading” their accounts. 

That is why we created this guide with the most important considerations you need to make when using your TSP as a retirement savings account.
