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Ep #69: Sick Leave for Retirement

Sick Leave for Retirement

Listen to the Full Episode: It is crucial to be hyper-intentional when it comes to your retirement!  How big of a change can your sick leave make? And how important is this subject when choosing the best day for your retirement? In this episode, we detail some tweaks you can make to your retirement plan […]

Ep #68: Social Security Increase and Cash Flow

Social Security Increase and Cash Flow

Listen to the Full Episode:   Whether you are 30, 50, or 70, a subject that has a hold on you is how to improve your financial situation. How much are you saving, and how can you save more? How can you organize your income better? It is crucial to ensure you are not just […]

Ep #64: Spending Money in Retirement

Spending Money In Retirement

Listen to the Full Episode: Christian Sakamoto joins the show again today to discuss cash flow and the money you spend in retirement. This is often a topic that isn’t addressed properly, and budgeting typically puts a bad taste in people’s mouths, but in this episode, you will hear why some of the greatest advisors […]

Ep #58: Roth Conversion Options

Roth Conversion Options

Listen to the Full Episode: Have you noticed that the markets are down? Did you know there are some key opportunities to look into when this happens? Well, it just so happens that a phenomenal financial advisor, Christian Sakamoto, is joining the show today to chat with Micah about looking into doing Roth conversions. Listen […]

Ep #57: The Myths Before Retirement

The Myths Before Retirement

Listen to the Full Episode: Sometimes there are misconceptions we have that lead to big mistakes before retirement—and they all stem from one main problem. In this episode, Micah and Tammy discuss some of the biggest pre-retirement mistakes people make and how you can put a plan in place that allows you to avoid making […]

Ep #52: How Much Do You Want to Spend in Retirement?

How do you achieve retirement dreams and get an income that you can’t outlive in retirement? Micah is flying solo in today’s podcast to answer this indirect question that he gets when meeting with clients. He discusses how to decide what you want to spend in retirement and shares the tools he uses to help […]