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Ep #53: To Buy or Not To Buy Your Military Time Back

The question of whether to buy back military time is something that affects a lot of people. This episode features Christian Sakamoto, a great advisor from our office who has valuable insight to share on this topic. Today, he and Micah discuss the key areas that you need to be aware of to decide whether […]

Should I buy back 20 years of military time?

buy back military time

“Greetings, I am retired from the Army after 20 years as a Staff Sergeant.  I am currently a GS 14 with 11 years under FERS. When I retire do I keep my military retirement monthly check and a fed GS retirement separate from the military time? Or should I buy back the time and retire […]

Your TSP After Retirement

We have had hundreds of federal employees ask us to discuss the TSP more in-depth so that they can stop “emotionally trading” their accounts. 

That is why we created this guide with the most important considerations you need to make when using your TSP as a retirement savings account.
