Ep #79: 7 Things You Can NOT Do in TSP in Retirement
Listen to the Full Episode: Retirement can be challenging, especially when it comes to managing your finances. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is assuming you can do anything you want with your thrift savings plan (TSP) after retirement. As a federal employee, you have phenomenal benefits, but as with any other tool, […]
Ep #78: Transitioning to Retirement
Listen to the Full Episode: You are getting closer to retirement, but specific tasks must be completed to enjoy it thoroughly. You’ll need to take care of all paperwork, or at least have copies of everything, a few months before retirement and a few months after the process starts, and make sure that all questions […]
Ep #77: Withdrawals in Retirement
Listen to the Full Episode: You’ve been working and saving and planning for your retirement. And when you retire, you go through a psychological shift from accumulation to distribution. Here lies the importance of understanding your federal benefits and the best way to use them! The TSP is a phenomenal tool; your federal benefits, your […]
Ep #76: Streams of Income
Listen to the Full Episode: Cashflow is the heartbeat of retirement, so you have to know the details of your income streams, the theory, and the reality behind some of your incomes. This way – you can work on your plan. The more we plan and apply, the easier and the more successful the retirement […]
Ep #75: The Importance of Building a Financial Plan
Listen to the Full Episode: Setting goals and mapping a strategy – these are the ground rules for taking the action in your hands! No, you don’t have to be precise or super accurate – we know things change, but navigating towards a point helps you reach the correct destination when sailing. Join today’s discussion […]
Ep #74: Choosing the best Retirement Plan
Listen to the Full Episode: One of the most essential and fundamental questions is choosing the right federal retirement plan! Do you know how much you should save for your retirement? Are you being realistic with your intentions and expectations? Do you have a retirement income? And what if there is a gap… is there […]
Ep #73: Costly Mistakes
Listen to the Full Episode: Net vs. Gross income. Which one hits the door of your bank account? Changes regarding insurance? Life insurance, health insurance… Any different kinds of SCD and any tips on taxes? Do you know all these rules and details you should consider while planning your retirement? We hope you get the […]
Ep #72: Criminal Issues with Health Insurance and Survival Benefits
Listen to the Full Episode: Accidents happen, but some come with severe consequences. For example, when covering someone with your HSA that you shouldn’t cover, you can face severe penalties! That is why in today’s episode, Tammy and Micah cover some fraudulent issues that can come up with health insurance and survivor benefits. Listen in […]
Ep #71: Secure Act 2.0 with Steven Jarvis
Listen to the Full Episode: Changes are happening, and questions have been raised! That is why we have a special guest in today’s episode – Steven Jarvis, CPA. Micah and Steven will answer the most common question out there these days and clear out all of your confusion. Join us and find out what is […]
Ep #70: Changes in Planning Over The Years, Social Security
Listen to the Full Episode: The benefits in retirement that Federal Employees have are based on three things: Pension Social Security TSP To avoid misconceptions about one of the most essential things in your retirement planning – Social Security – we have Floyd Shilanski and his years of experience. Find out the different strategies you […]
Ep #69: Sick Leave for Retirement
Listen to the Full Episode: It is crucial to be hyper-intentional when it comes to your retirement! How big of a change can your sick leave make? And how important is this subject when choosing the best day for your retirement? In this episode, we detail some tweaks you can make to your retirement plan […]
Ep #68: Social Security Increase and Cash Flow
Listen to the Full Episode: Whether you are 30, 50, or 70, a subject that has a hold on you is how to improve your financial situation. How much are you saving, and how can you save more? How can you organize your income better? It is crucial to ensure you are not just […]