FERS Survivor Benefits: What’s your Advice for Widows/Widowers?
“Just wondering if you ever give advice to widows/widowers. I believe we are in a unique situation that I seldom find addressed anywhere.” – Valerie
Can I continue my FEHB once I apply for Medicare?
“I am 66 and currently a full time federal employee. I have a two children under the age of 26. I would like to continue
Using TSP Funds vs Social Security
“Your TSP is an asset that can be given to future generations and your social security income is not. As the condition of social security
Do Roth Contributions affect my Traditional TSP?
“If I choose to contribute to the ROTH Component of the TSP, how much can I contribute? Will ROTH TSP Contributions effect my Traditional TSP
VERA: VISP Working as a “Contractor”
Question “I retired from Federal Service under a VERA / VISP in 2017 with over 32 years of Federal Service and my MRA is 56
FFFC Is my TSP taxed as ordinary income or capital gain?
Question “Is the money that I withdrawal from my TSP in retirement all taxed as ordinary income or are the contributions that I made taxed
“Should I Sign Up for Medicare Part B?”
“I plan to retire in the next few months from USPS and take my health insurance with me. I am debating signing up for Medicare
“Where do I go to obtain the precise rules about ROTH IRA’s as they pertain to me? I am 55 and working as a Federal Employee and already contribute to the TSP ROTH and a ROTH IRA. I would like to know how the rules change at 59 1/2 with contributions.” – Kim
We have had a tremendous amount of questions from Federal Employees about participating in ROTHs, whether it be in the TSP or the private sector
“Can you have a Roth TSP and a Roth IRA?”
The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) was created under the Federal Employee’s Retirement System Act of 1986 for federal employees and members of the uniformed services.
Are HSA’s Use or Lose?
HSA Plan Basics Health Savings Plans (HSA) are a powerful savings tool that could work in conjunction with your health plan if you participate in
FFFC – “When Should I Sign Up for Medicare?”
We receive a lot of questions from Federal Employees about when they should enroll in Medicare. Medicare is a nationally run health insurance program for
FFFC – “Is my HR retirement estimate always correct?”
“Always” Generally, an estimate from your Human Resources (HR) Department on your Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) benefits is a good source of information for